Put the Lights on Data and treat data as an asset
If data is an asset, how do we treat it as such? This website is full of knowledge and practical content for data professionals in the form of online courses, articles, videos, templates and overall best practices from fellow data professionals.
Available online courses
The following online courses are available to anyone wanting to enhance their skills as a data professional.
Where my students work

Media partnership
LightsOnData works with companies that are focused on data management, data governance, data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to develop thought leadership content that aims to raise brand awareness. We do this with live shows/ podcast episodes, posts, newsletters, and more!
Brands that benefited so far

+ 60 others
Articles on your favorite data topics
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Videos added every Thursday!
Sample from LightsOnData Youtube channel:
What is the Difference Between Data Management and Data Governance?
How Big Is Big Data?
The Data Data Song
Download free templates
Checkout these resources and download these FREE popular templates or white papers.
Hi, I'm
George Firican
Your friendly data guy :). As a passionate advocate for the importance of data, I created
I've been an award-winning data professional for over 15 years, I am a frequent conference speaker, YouTuber and LinkedIn influencer, being ranked among Top 5 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Big Data, Digital Disruption, Top 15 on Innovation and LinkedIn Top Voice.
I aim to provide fellow and future data professionals like you with practical content in the form of online and live courses, templates and guides, best practices, articles, videos, webinars, conference and key-note sessions to address your questions and challenges.
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